Aftercare Program

However, our job does not end with the funeral, but continues by helping you and your loved ones with the government paperwork that must be completed when someone passes away. Our Aftercare Program will allow your family to sit with our aftercare specialist to help you fill out the necessary government paperwork, which can include the Canada Pension Death Benefit and Survivor’s Pension applications; the cancellation of government ID such as the Ontario heath card, drivers license, firearm license, NEXUS card and passport; and the notification to various government agencies including Canada Revenue Agency, Service Canada, TransUnion Canada and Equifax, etc. We can also assist with the cancellation of most credit cards and certain loyalty points cards. Our aftercare specialist will also answer questions regarding basic estate planning and offer guidance on any pre-planning questions you may have. 

What is CPP?

The Canada Pension Plan Death Benefit is a one-time lump sum payment of $2500 that is paid to the estate of a deceased person (or to the person or institution that paid for the funeral if not estate exists) on behalf of a deceased CPP contributor. In order to qualify for the CPP Death Benefit, a deceased person must have made contributions to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) for either A – one-third of the calendar years in their contributory period for the base CPP, but no less than 3 calendar years; or B – 10 calendar years. For more info visit

What is Survivor’s Pension?

The Canada Pension Plan Survivor’s Pension is a separate, monthly payment made to the legal spouse or common-law partner of a deceased CPP contributor. The amount the spouse or common-law partner will receive is based on factors including age, and how much or for how long the deceased contributed to the Canada Pension Plan. If the deceased had children, they may also qualify for survivor’s pension, depending on their age and whether or not they are full time post-secondary students.  For more info visit

Here for you..

Contact us below to set up an aftercare appointment, Or  alternatively call us at 905-458-2222 to book a no charge consultation appointment to get your options.

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